Our Commitment to Accurate and Updated Information
At Little Thingz, we dedicate ourselves to ensuring the information on our website is accurate, clear, precise, and up-to-date. Our team works tirelessly to review, update, or remove content to meet this commitment. Despite our efforts, there may occasionally be instances where information does not fully meet these standards. Should you find any discrepancies or have concerns about the quality of our content or security, we are eager to address and correct these issues promptly.
While we invest significant effort into maintaining our website, it's important to note that we cannot guarantee the information provided is always perfect. Little Thingz cannot be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of information, products, and services available on our site.
Content Usage and Proprietary Information
In addition to our efforts to maintain the accuracy and timeliness of our website's content, we must emphasize that the information provided on Little Thingz's site is proprietary. It cannot be copied, reproduced, or transferred to another website without express permission. This measure ensures the protection of our unique content and maintains its value for our users and us.
Website Transition and User Information
As part of our commitment to growth and serving more families, Little Thingz has evolved from www.littlethingz.be and www.littlethingz.fr to our new, unified platform: www.littlethingz.com. This re-branding reflects our expansion and dedication to improving your shopping experience. Please be assured, that this transition will not affect your shopping experience; operations will continue smoothly. We have migrated basic customer information, excluding order history and other details, to the new platform. The original websites will remain accessible for a period, allowing you to download any necessary information.
We Value Your Feedback
Your feedback is crucial in helping us maintain the quality and security of our content. If you have any comments, questions, or concerns, please reach out to our Helpdesk, we are committed to providing you with the assistance you need.